
Brad Tidswell periodically works in the film industry as a background actor (credits below). Brad studied acting with Bonnie Worthington, a fantastic teacher who studied under Keith Johnstone, the creator of Theatre Sports and author of “Impro”. While still in Highschool, Brad acted in several plays, created comedy sketches for variety shows and performed a piano rendition of his Valedictorian address at the Orpheum. He began hanging out at City Stage doing Theatresports on the weekends and did some stints as a judge for the Vancouver Theatre Sports League. His Highschool Theatresports League Team won the finals and performed live at City Stage versus the regular pro-team.


Disney’s “Journey of Natty Gann” 1985 (as a Depression-Era Stickball Player),
“Too Young the Hero” 1988 (as a Western Dock Worker) – a Ricky Schroeder TV movie ,
“Sweetwater: A True Rock Story” as a record business hustler,
“The Crypt” (as an Angry Town Mobster with a pitchfork), set in the 19th Century,

“The 100” 2015/2016 as civilian of Polis City. (centre-screen in picture)


“Colossal” 2016 as person in bar.

“Once Upon A Time”2016 as townsperson in Storybrooke.

“Scorched Earth” 2016 as townsperson on a post apocalyptic farm.


Journey of Natty Gan. Disney Movie Extra Part: depression era stickball playerThe Crypt Horror Movie Extra: Angry town mobRicky Schroder Too Young the Hero: western dockhandRicky Schroder Too Young the Hero: western dockhand


He and ECCAD art school friends performed as MCs “the Opti-Mystix” at the Summer of Love ’95 in Whistler. This league of A.V. Superheroes formed out of the Art studio a group of animators leased in an abandoned Optometrist office at Granville and Broadway. What started as projections on the front Broadway window became a Stage Troupe with lightshows, props, costumes, sound-effects and video excerpts.
The Opti-Mystix made several multi-media appearances throughout the 90’s at Station Street, The Hungry Eye and St.James Theatre. They did experimental audio/visual jams, in costume in the video studio at ECCAD culminating with “The Pentajam”, a multi-layered projection using 16mm loops, slides, green-screen, dry-ice and sfx lighting accompanied by sound-loops, bass, synthesizers, electric guitar and dulcimer.
Pentajam featured Darren Paris and Craig Easton as “Space Monkey”
Dave Curran as “Greenbud Man
Steve Black as “Pharoah
Justin Howard as “Time Traveller
Brad Tidswell as “Doc Op


Darren Paris- Center ,Pharoah- Mid Right, SpaceMonkey – Far right


Space Monkey w/ Computer Monitor Head changing film-loop. GBM (left) stares at the lightshow

Craig changes a 16mm film loop


Time Traveler’s Station

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